Ian, one of our stalwart members, who has the privilege of being one of the few to attend every single week (applause and plaudits and approval!), gave me a rundown of the evening's events.
The majority of members started the evening with a warm-up game of Fluxx, that fiendishly tricky game (in the editrix's opinion anyway) where the rules change constantly. After this, they settled into a long game of Apples To Apples. This involves picking items, people and places that best fit an adjective, and everybody relished the opportunity to argue their case to the judge. Meanwhile, another table in the corner got on rather more quietly with Blokus.

At this point, yours truly arrived and had a lovely chat with the manager of the Bell who thinks we are just delightful. We regrouped with half of us forming teams of two for a Trivial Pursuit, and the other half cracking open a deck of cards. The Ticket To Ride afficianados took their game outside to the bigger tables, TTR being a rather large board. Luckily, one Trivial Pursuit team just managed to get a full set of cheeses before the lights started flashing and it was time to leave once again, having played our hearts out to closing time. Fun was had by all, as always.
Having had a nice chat with the manager, next week we are going to try out getting in a long trestle table so those of us with big boards can play more easily. I know several people have wanted to play Carcassone but this has been stumped by small tables. So, next time, let's bring our bigger games along and see how it plays out. Could be fun sitting in rows, might be a fun-stifler; let's see.